Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Whose child is she?

I offered Rosie a cookie today, and she said, "No, I don't want cookie.  Mommy, you eat it."  Well, all right, don't mind if I do!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Super Why

One of Rosie's favorite shows is "Super Why," in which a group of friends turn into superheroes with powers and jump into storybooks to solve problems.  As the characters transform into the superheroes, they shout out their powers; when Wyatt dons his mask and becomes Super Why, he proclaims, "I'm Super Why, with the power to read!"

Naturally, when I saw that Super Why would be visiting our local public library, I thought Rosie would love to go see him.  At the library, there were crafts available to make, one of which was a Super Why mask to cut out.  As Rosie impatiently danced on her tiptoes waiting for me to cut out her mask, she shouted, "Mommy, I need the power!"

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid is one of Rosie's favorite movies.  One day we were watching it, and we get to the lagoon scene, where Sebastian is about to sing "Kiss the Girl."  Here was our conversation:

Rosie: Look, Mommy, Eric and Ariel are in a boat!
Me: You're right!  What do you think is going to happen next?
Rosie: They're gonna "sha-la-la-la"!

Friday, August 19, 2011

As long as she's happy...

Rosie was eating a peach, and she dribbled some juice on her shirt, so she started taking off her clothes.  I said, "Rosie, what are you doing?  Don't take off your clothes!"
Her response: "It will make my happy."
(yes, she said "my.")

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


We went someplace where Rosie got to play with toys, and on the way home she said, "Mommy, I had nice fun!"

Monday, August 15, 2011

Miss Manners

It was getting to be bedtime, so I looked at my girl and said, "Well, whaddya say, Rosie?"

She answered, "Thank you."

Taking after Pop

We were gathered at the dinner table at my parents' house, and during a momentary lull in the conversation Rosie says, "Lemme ask you the question..."

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Rosie's in the tub, and she says, "I'm blowing bubbles!  With my hiney!"

Saturday, August 13, 2011


When discussing our "breakstast" options one morning, Rosie suggested, "Maybe cookies?"

Good big sister

"Fella's got spits!" Rosie announced, then proceeded to wipe her brother's face with a dryer sheet.

Her culinary skills

I knew my mango-passion fruit tea was missing something; I didn't realize that something was caraway seed.  Thanks, Rosie.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Her thoughts on potty training

My mom suggested to Rosie that she might like to try "big girl undies."
Rosie's matter-of-fact response: "Not today."
Okay, then.

Talking back already

I was trying to emphasize to Rosie not to touch something, and I said, "Rosie, Mommy said no!"
Her response: "I said yes!"


After much encouragement from all sides, I have decided to start a blog devoted to things that my two-year-old daughter Rosie says.  She's pretty darn funny, so I hope she makes you laugh as much as I try not to.