Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Rosie was banging on her toys, so I hushed her.  She paused momentarily to ask, "Who's sleeping?"

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Al rescate

Rosie heard her brother crying in the other room, and with a concerned look on her face she ran over to me and said, "That's my brother!  We have to go rescue him!  We're coming, buddy!"  And she ran to his rescue.

Friday, December 16, 2011

O Christmas Tree

Husband put up the Christmas tree on Wednesday night, and last night he put the lights on it.  When Rosie saw the tree this morning, she did her tippy-toe dance, gracefully gestured to the tree and exclaimed, "Oh, it's beautiful!  Isn't it pretty?  Look at all the colors."

An hour or so later, I found her "collecting" the plastic bulb covers from the tree.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Naptime nuisance

It had been more than an hour since I took both Rosie and her brother upstairs for a nap, yet when I turned off  the shower, I heard Zack squealing with delight.  I knew Rosie had been in his room.  I yelled up the stairs for her to close her brother's door and to get in bed, and she answered, "Okay, Mom."  She closed his door and went back into her room.  He was still making some fussy noises, but she was quiet, maybe asleep.

Not ten minutes later, I hear Rosie shaking the gate at the top of the steps.  Then she shouts, "Mom, I look like Lilo!" (as in Disney's Lilo & Stitch).  I knew exactly what she had done.  She took off her clothes and donned her favorite skirt -- fresh from the hamper.  In her mind, she looked like a little Hawaiian hula dancer.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Disastrous Dinner

Tonight we made soup for dinner.  I say "we" because anytime I am near the stove or the counter, Rosie has to drag her stool over because she wants to help.  Not that she did anything this time.  She hardly stirred the pot.  And when I say that I "made" soup, I mean I actually made it, as opposed to opening up a can of Progresso and throwing it in the microwave.

The soup was poured into bowls and ready to go to the table.  I went into the dining room to clear off the table when I heard a thump followed a split-second later by Rosie tears.  I knew exactly what had happened -- she tried to grab one of the bowls from the counter but the bowl was hot when she touched it, so she jerked back, spilling it all over the counter and (of course) even splashing herself in the eye.  (Yes, she's okay).

A minor meltdown then occurred because she needed a fresh shirt, which she thought meant a whole new ensemble an hour before her bath.  Sorry, kid.

Ah, finally we can sit down at the table and have dinner.  Rosie's never had soup before, but she loves dip, so I showed her how she could dip pieces of her bread in her soup.  She put the whole piece in her soup bowl.  This made her upset then because her bread is "dirty," so she needs a napkin for it.  I thought she wanted a napkin to put the bread on.  No.  She wanted a napkin to wipe off the bread.

I went back in the kitchen to get my own soup, and when I came back there was something else in her soup bowl.  Her napkin.  At least now I know how absorbent Bounty napkins are (A+, by the way).

When I finally sit down myself, I show Rosie how to eat the soup with her spoon.  Great!  She puts the spoon in her soup, takes a sip... and does a long, grotesque shudder.  "I don't like soup."


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Already acting like a teenager

Rosie was sitting on the sofa in the living room, and I called for her to come into the kitchen.  As she got up, I literally heard her sigh.  I guess next will come the eye-rolling.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Definitely too much Ariel

I told Rosie to stop climbing on the step stool.  She got down, turned to me with her fists at her sides and said, "I'm sixteen years old!"

Thursday, November 10, 2011


We were having lunch at my grandparents' house, and my grandfather offered Rosie a piece of cheese.  Their conversation:

Rosie: I don't need cheese.
Pop: Cheese is good for you.
Rosie: Not for me.

Choo Choo

Rosie was playing with her father's plastic train set one day and was having trouble getting one of the cars to connect to the rest.  She made a pouty face and said, "Oh, Mommy, help!  It doesn't choo!"

Friday, November 4, 2011

Adventures in Potty Training, part 2

Our next episode finds Miss Rosie once again in the bathroom.  This time she has taken off all her clothes and is playing by the sink.  She then realizes she needs to make a deposit, of the number 2 variety, and determines that her step stool is an appropriate place to make said deposit.  As her father is removing this deposit, Rosie shrieks, "Daddy, you're cleaning my stool!"  Why, yes.  Yes, he was.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Rosie loves pajamas.  As she was admiring a pair she hadn't seen before, she squealed, "That's so cute for me!"

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sisterly advice

Zack was crawling around on the floor and he started to cry.  Rosie told him, in a most sympathetic voice, "Go find your mudder."

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Rosie was eating a piece of chocolate.  Instead of biting it, she licked it, so it started to melt in her little hand.  I wiped the chocolate mess off her hand, and she said in her sing-song voice, "They're not dirty-dirty gross-gross anymore!"

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Here we go

We're in the car on the way to the train station and Rosie said, "We're coming, Disney World! Disney World, where are you??"

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Not a man

Rosie was cooing over Baby Zack and said, "He's a little boy, just like Daddy!"  I quickly told her that Daddy was a man, not a little boy.

Her response: "No, he's not a man.  He's Daddy Tony!"

Too much Curious George?

At my parents' house, Rosie was looking at the bookshelf and said, "Close up the Man in the Yellow Hat."  Huh?  I was pretty sure my parents didn't have Curious George characters sitting on their shelves.

What was she looking at?  A trifold icon of Padre Pio, a saint with a yellow halo around his head.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Finder's keepers

The Rosiegirl left her chocolate doughnut unattended on the floor, so naturally the Zackyboy discovered it while he was on the prowl.  Chaos ensued.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Lesson learned

Fiber One cereal bars are just not a good idea for toddlers.  Especially when potty training.  I'll spare you the gory details.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Is it wrong that I felt slightly victorious when Rosie said, "I don't wanna be punished"?  Let me explain...

You are probably aware by now that at 2 1/2 years of age Rosie is slightly incorrigible and rambunctious.  When she does something she isn't supposed to do, her usual punishment is to go to her room.  We try to warn her about her impending punishment by telling her to stop whatever it is that she shouldn't be doing, and we'll say, "Rosie, you don't want to be punished, do you?"  There is nothing more frustrating than her answer of late: "Okay!"

So today, when I caught her in her brother's playpen for the fourth time in about 18 hours, I hauled her out of the playpen and up the steps, telling her that she had to be punished since she didn't listen.  As we stomped up the 14 stairs to her room, she pouted, "I don't wanna be punished."

My inner voice said, "Yes!"

Sunday, September 25, 2011

She knows what she wants

In church this morning, Rosie announced, "I need a fresh diaper."  I'm glad she is starting to recognize this, because hopefully soon (like before she's 13) she'll start telling me before she needs to go; however, in the middle of Mass was just not the time to change her diaper, so we told her we would take care of it after church.  My sister was holding her, and Rosie said she wanted to get down, so she obliged.  Then Rosie said, "I lay here," climbed onto the bench, and assumed the position.

But she still says "No Jesus"

While she was sitting around with Daddy, Aunt Ri, and Baby Zack, Rosie was apparently moved by the Spirit, because she grabbed their hands and said, "Let's pray.  Bess O Lord, ese eye gifts.  Baby Zack, gimme you hand.  Bess O Lord, ese eye gifts."

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Too much Ariel?

The Rosiegirl was playing in the living room, and I heard her saying something over and over: "The little tramp!"  First I thought, "Where in the world did she hear that???"  And then it occurred to me... that's what Ursula says in The Little Mermaid when she's sees Ariel with Eric.

What prompted Rosie to say this, I have no idea, but it gave me a good chuckle.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

For shame

This just in.... Daddy caught Rosie trying to climb into her brother's walker (again).  He called her out on it, and she said, "Don't look at me!"

I call her Gretel

Rosie likes to eat her food throughout the house, which I know is my fault because I let her do it.  You never know what you will find where, especially because she likes to put things in containers.  Everything to her is a container, especially purses.  You also never know how old things are when you find them.  I recently found some petrified pieces of clementine that I had to sniff to determine whether they were real or plastic.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I won a prize package from PBS Kids and Jet Blue's Soar with Reading partnership, and it arrived today.  Rosie was with me when I opened it.   She is in love with PBS kids, so as I peered inside at all the PBS Kids loot, I said to my husband, "Oh, she's gonna have a cow!"

Doing her usual impatient tiptoe dance, Rosie kept trying to look into the bag and said, "I wanna see the cow!"  The poor thing is still carrying the bag around asking where the cow is.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday night

The family spent the day at my parents' house today, and a heartbreaking scene began to unfold as my sister got ready to home.  She told Rosie that maybe Rosie could visit her apartment this week, but Rosie thought that meant now.  My sister tried to say goodbye to her, and Rosie, whose lip seemed to be three times its normal size, said tearfully, "I wanna go with you!  Of course I'm coming with you, of course!"

She was somewhat placated with a lollipop.

Then we got into our car and headed home.  We had been in the car for about a minute when Rosie joyfully announced, "This is the way home!"

Oh, to have the attention span of a two-year-old.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Neighborhood watch

The public school buses stop right outside our house, and Rosie has always liked to watch "the boys and girls" come and go.

The middle school kids especially are always noisy, and this afternoon as she was watching the kids leave the bus and disperse, Rosie frowned and said, "The boys and girls are causing trouble.  Look, Mommy, they're walking on my grass!"

Who knew a two-year-old could be disdainful of other ruffians?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oh my darling, oh my darling

I'm wondering how many clementines per day is too many for a 2-year-old.  Because Rosie is on number 3 (or is it 4...?) and it's only two in the afternoon.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Barilla shout-out

I have to take a moment to sing Barilla's praises.  My girl loves pasta, but she doesn't really eat a lot of vegetables.  Tonight we gave her Barilla's Piccolini Mini Rotelle with Zucchini and Spinach (which she picked out, by the way).  She ate it just like she eats every other noodle we give her -- didn't even notice it had vegetables in it -- and loved the fact that it was green.

Thank you, Barilla, for making my job just a little bit easier.
(And no, they did not pay me to post this.)

Adventures in Potty Training

We've been trying to get Rosie interested in using the potty chair.  One day at my parents' house, we had her in training pants and were sending her every so often to sit on the potty chair, which my parents keep in the kitchen so she won't have to run upstairs.  On this particular day, we were watching Lady and the Tramp, and I told her it was time to sit on the potty.  She went, but she still wanted to watch the movie, so she started scooting the chair (while sitting on it) toward the living room so she could still see the television.  Someone saw her dilemma and thought to help her by picking up her and the chair and moving her to the living room.  After a few minutes, I asked Rosie if she had done anything on the potty, and she said no and got up and walked away.

Turns out it's a good thing she didn't do anything because as I leaned over to check, all I saw was a gaping hole where the bowl should have been.  It had fallen out in transit.

Friday, September 2, 2011

I need a young priest and an old priest...

Coming home from vacation on a Sunday, we had to stop out of town to attend Mass.  This means we also had to take both kids to church with us.  As we were driving to church, we told Rosie that we were going to church so we could pray to Jesus.  Using her "scary monster" voice, she said over and over again, "Nooo Jeeeeesuuuuuus."

No, her head wasn't spinning.  We checked.


We turned the air conditioner in the house off about two weeks ago.  Rosie's room is upstairs, so it's a little warmer up there than on the first floor.  On her bed, she has an enormous duvet that is about twice the size of her expandable bed, and she has a crib sheet, which was mine when I was little and which she calls her "ruggy."  Every time she sleeps in her bed, whether it's at night or just for a nap, I try to cover her up with the sheet and I tell her that the blanket will be too hot.  And every time, she tells me, "No, blanket's cold.  Ruggy's too hot."  Clearly she doesn't understand hot and cold.  If I fold up the blanket and cover her with the sheet anyway, after I go downstairs I'll hear her get out of bed and in the morning she'll be covered up with her blanket, with the sheet on the chair.

And every time she sleeps with her blanket, she wakes up with her hair drenched with sweat, but she's perfectly happy.  That's my little sweatyhead.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Whose child is she?

I offered Rosie a cookie today, and she said, "No, I don't want cookie.  Mommy, you eat it."  Well, all right, don't mind if I do!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Super Why

One of Rosie's favorite shows is "Super Why," in which a group of friends turn into superheroes with powers and jump into storybooks to solve problems.  As the characters transform into the superheroes, they shout out their powers; when Wyatt dons his mask and becomes Super Why, he proclaims, "I'm Super Why, with the power to read!"

Naturally, when I saw that Super Why would be visiting our local public library, I thought Rosie would love to go see him.  At the library, there were crafts available to make, one of which was a Super Why mask to cut out.  As Rosie impatiently danced on her tiptoes waiting for me to cut out her mask, she shouted, "Mommy, I need the power!"

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid is one of Rosie's favorite movies.  One day we were watching it, and we get to the lagoon scene, where Sebastian is about to sing "Kiss the Girl."  Here was our conversation:

Rosie: Look, Mommy, Eric and Ariel are in a boat!
Me: You're right!  What do you think is going to happen next?
Rosie: They're gonna "sha-la-la-la"!

Friday, August 19, 2011

As long as she's happy...

Rosie was eating a peach, and she dribbled some juice on her shirt, so she started taking off her clothes.  I said, "Rosie, what are you doing?  Don't take off your clothes!"
Her response: "It will make my happy."
(yes, she said "my.")

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


We went someplace where Rosie got to play with toys, and on the way home she said, "Mommy, I had nice fun!"

Monday, August 15, 2011

Miss Manners

It was getting to be bedtime, so I looked at my girl and said, "Well, whaddya say, Rosie?"

She answered, "Thank you."

Taking after Pop

We were gathered at the dinner table at my parents' house, and during a momentary lull in the conversation Rosie says, "Lemme ask you the question..."

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Rosie's in the tub, and she says, "I'm blowing bubbles!  With my hiney!"

Saturday, August 13, 2011


When discussing our "breakstast" options one morning, Rosie suggested, "Maybe cookies?"

Good big sister

"Fella's got spits!" Rosie announced, then proceeded to wipe her brother's face with a dryer sheet.

Her culinary skills

I knew my mango-passion fruit tea was missing something; I didn't realize that something was caraway seed.  Thanks, Rosie.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Her thoughts on potty training

My mom suggested to Rosie that she might like to try "big girl undies."
Rosie's matter-of-fact response: "Not today."
Okay, then.

Talking back already

I was trying to emphasize to Rosie not to touch something, and I said, "Rosie, Mommy said no!"
Her response: "I said yes!"


After much encouragement from all sides, I have decided to start a blog devoted to things that my two-year-old daughter Rosie says.  She's pretty darn funny, so I hope she makes you laugh as much as I try not to.